Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

AC Not Off to a Good Start This Season? Let’s See Why

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

air-conditioner-evaporator-coilThe first serious week of warm weather for the middle of the year in Southern California is a good time to watch carefully the performance of your AC. If the air conditioner is starting off with poor performance that doesn’t keep your home cooled down the way it should, you want to have the proper AC repair in Orange County, CA done right away. You can trust our experienced team to handle whatever you need. And that job starts out with discovering why your AC isn’t keeping up the way it should.

Here are a few of the most common reasons we find an air conditioner isn’t up to its job:

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Why Your AC Keeps Stopping and Starting

Monday, May 6th, 2019

ac-with-toolsAir conditioning systems get to work early in the year in Southern California. Unfortunately, that means they’re also likely to start showing signs of malfunctions earlier as well—extra time for the stress to set in.

The best way to help protect your air conditioning system is the have it professionally maintained before the hottest weather arrives. Even the best maintenance can’t stop all problems, and in this post we’re going to look at one of the major malfunctions you may run into that’ll require you call for air conditioning repair in Orange County, CA in early summer.

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Should I Put More Refrigerant in My AC Before Summer?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

air-conditioning-manometer-pressure-refrigerantIn our last post, we wrote about why it’s important to schedule air conditioning maintenance service before the summer weather arrives. There are many potential AC malfunctions a maintenance inspection can catch, and one of these is noticing that the pressure of the refrigerant in the air conditioner has dropped. This usually means a leak a sprung somewhere, allowing refrigerant to escape. If this is the case, your technician can patch up the leak and put in the amount of refrigerant that was lost to restore pressure. You can trust our technicians with these services for your air conditioning in Orange County, CA.

But what about routine refrigerant replenishing? Is this something to have done before the summer, just to give the AC a bit of a boost?

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AC Maintenance Is Always Smart in April

Monday, April 8th, 2019


When is the best time for you to call up HVAC professionals to schedule air conditioning maintenance services? Choose one of the following:

  1. Any time before the summer weather arrives
  2. Any time during spring
  3. Any time as long as you don’t skip it for the year
  4. April

Although none of these answers is incorrect, (d) is the best answer, while (c) is the worst. Yes, you should have maintenance for your air conditioner each year, but it’s also best to have it done before the summer weather and during spring—and April is the best month of spring to have it done.

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The MVP Value Plans Help Your AC Each Year

Monday, March 25th, 2019

Maintenance-plans-logoAt Saddleback, we offer membership in our Member Value Program (MVP). We offer different program levels depending on your needs: a Plumbing Value Program, an HVAC program, and the ALL STAR Value Plan for Comprehensive Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing System Coverage. Of course, we recommend customers take advantage of the extensive ALL STAR Value Plan so they can have three major home maintenance services taken care of annually.

Right now it’s time to think about air conditioning maintenance in Orange County. There are few regular service jobs more important in our climate than ensuring cooling systems work at their best. Our hottest days are extreme, and even the milder summer weather puts a strain on central air conditioning in homes.

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Is There Supposed to Be Ice on My Air Conditioner?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

frozen-air-conditionerThe simple answer is: No. If you see ice forming on your air conditioner (probably along the indoor coils), turn off the system and call for repair services from our team right away. The AC needs to be fixed, and it’s a repair only professionals can correctly diagnose and perform.

So, while you’re waiting for us to deliver you the Irvine, CA air conditioning services that will ensure you have a healthy air conditioning system, we’re going to fill you in on why ice on the AC shouldn’t be there and why it might happen.

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Should I Replace My Air Conditioning System Before Next Summer?

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Old-Air-ConditionerWe’re finally starting to get some overcast, cooler weather these days. That means that heating season isn’t far off. You may or may not have already scheduled preventive maintenance or repairs to help get your heating system ready for the upcoming heating season. You definitely should, but we’ll get to that in a later post. Right now, though, we want to talk about why you might not be done with your air conditioning system quite yet. If your air conditioner seems like it might be getting towards the end of its life, now is a prime time to replace it with a new one. Read on to find out why it’s better to replace it now, rather than waiting until next spring or summer.

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Air Conditioning Problems to Watch for This Summer

Monday, July 30th, 2018

air-conditionerAir conditioning issues are pretty common during the summer, and it’s no wonder. Strain on the system is much higher when it’s being used for most of the daylight hours, making it more likely for the system to develop problems. If you’ve already had a professional perform maintenance on your air conditioner at the beginning of the season, then the system has a much lower chance of developing any kind of serious issue over the next few months. Still, you need to keep an eye out for any signs that your air conditioner is developing issues so that you can have them repaired as soon as possible. The following are some of the more common issues you may run into during the summer.

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3 Signs That You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Old-Air-ConditionerSummers are always hot in Southern California, but these last couple weeks have been record-breaking. Things are unlikely to cool down that much any time soon, so it’s in your best interests to make sure that your air conditioner is able to get you through the hottest months of the year. If it isn’t, you should replace it now before it gives out under the strain. You don’t want to suddenly find yourself without air conditioning in the middle of the hottest time of the year, do you? Call a technician about replacing your air conditioner if it fits the following symptoms.

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Now is the Perfect Time to Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Monday, June 4th, 2018

air-conditionerWe’ve got a bit of June gloom going on lately, but before long things are going to heat up. That means you need to take steps to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the summer season. There are a number of different ways to make sure that your air conditioner is in top shape before summer kicks into high gear. Today, we’re going to go over the best thing that you can do to keep your system healthy: preventive maintenance. Read on to find out more about the benefits of preventive maintenance, and when to schedule it.

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