Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Some Options to Consider for Your Bathroom Plumbing Project

Friday, January 31st, 2014

A bathroom plumbing project is a serious investment in your home, and you should take extra care to consider all the options before moving forward. A bathroom plumbing renovation needs to enhance the value of your home, not turn into a money pit. Consultation with a trained and professional plumbing service in Mission Viejo, CA, is the best option for getting what you want out of your new bathroom without breaking the bank. Here are some options to consider for your bathroom plumbing project.

  • Think about a wet wall
    That’s a plumbing term for a wall in which all the plumbing and fixtures – sinks, toilets, showers, etc. – are against one wall. That includes drain pipes and waste pipes as well as pipes bringing water into the bathroom. That keeps the plumbing simple and eliminates the need to run piping into awkward locations, which raises the price of the operation considerably. (It also makes it easier to fix any problems that crop up down the line.)
  • Practicality predominates
    You may have your heart set on a sink island, a claw-foot tub or other items that add to the aesthetics of the bathroom. But you also need to consider the practicality of such fixtures. You’ll likely be using them every day, day in and day out, for years on end. Fixtures like these can take up a lot of spare space, as well as leading to water dripping onto the floors more often. If you have the space and the luxury, you can think about them, but you need to consider long-haul implications, not just initial novelty.
  • Consider maintenance
    Similarly, when choosing materials, think about durable materials that will stand up to years of use. The better your tiling, grouting, porcelain surfaces and the like, the more your bathroom will stay trouble free. Again, think about allocating your budget into long-range uses rather than short-term novelty.

For more options to consider for your bathroom plumbing project in Mission Viejo, CA, call on the plumbing experts at Saddleback Plumbing for help. Not only can we help you plan the bathroom of your dreams, but we’ll take steps to help protect it from things like the salty sea air and the occasional earthquake. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do!

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What are Earthquake Emergency Shut-Off Valves?

Monday, January 20th, 2014

If you live in Southern California, earthquakes are a constant concern. Safety and preparedness need to involve all aspects of your home. From the perspective of experts on gas and plumbing in Irvine needs to include earthquake emergency shut off-valves to help keep your home safe in the event of a shocker. But what are earthquake emergency shut-off valves? More importantly, how do they do their job? A quick primer can be found below.

The valves have sensors on them calibrated to detect quakes of a sufficient magnitude to cause problems with your gas lines.  When those sensors are triggered, they immediately cut off the flow of gas. Some valves merely redirect the gas to unaffected piping. Others turn off the gas completely. This safety feature often goes beyond the initial damage cause by the quake itself. The ground can shift in an earthquake, destabilizing underground pipelines and setting the groundwork for a future problem long after you’ve thought the danger had passed.  That’s the sort of assurance you have with an earthquake emergency shut-off valve: protection for your home until all the repairs can be made.

If you don’t have such a valve, they’re pretty easy to install, provided you have the right professional service to do so. With a skilled technician on the job, the task should take only a few hours. The same technician can also reset the shut-off valve after it’s been triggered (after determining that every aspect of your gas system is safe) and inspect it every 1-2 years to ensure that it’s operating as it should.

In those cases, it’s imperative that you have the right kind of professional to help you out. For issues with gas and plumbing in Irvine, you can count on Saddleback Plumbing to help. We’ve had plenty of experience installing and maintaining earthquake emergency shut-off valves, and can put one in your home with safety and professionalism foremost in our minds. We never know when the next big quake will hit, and when it does, you want the assurance that an earthquake emergency shut-off valve can bring. Call us today to set up an appointment!

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How Mother Nature Can Damage Your Plumbing

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature… but Mother Nature can turn vindictive and damaging even if you do nothing to anger her. Sometimes, Mother Nature can inflict major injury to your home’s plumbing—even in a place like Southern California where we don’t have to worry about the plumbing plague much of the rest of the nation faces: frozen pipes.

Whatever problems bother your plumbing in Laguna Nigel this season, whether caused by nature or human error, you can rely on Saddleback Plumbing. We’ve taken care of home plumbing in Orange County since 1981.

Natural damage to your plumbing

  • Root infiltration: Damage to your sewer line is one of the most potentially catastrophic issues that might develop in your plumbing. It can lead to flooding in your basement and foundations and can stop all your drains from working. One of the most common reasons for the sewer line to become blocked or broken is the growth of tree roots. Roots naturally move toward damp areas, and they can start to grow into the sewer line, blocking it. Worse, the pressure from the roots can lead to it breaking. Sewer line repair needs immediate professional attention.
  • Landslides and earthquakes: California has trouble with both of these. Earthquakes are a frequent occurrence; even a small temblor can break older pipes. Landslides often occur during our rare rains because the loose upper soil is unused to heavy rainfall. Landslides are another reason for breaks in sewer lines, since they can cause underground shifting. If you notice water flow problems or sink clogs in the aftermath of a quake or a slide, call for plumbers immediately.
  • Corrosion: Corrosion is a natural occurrence when water and metal meet in the presence of oxygen. If you have predominantly copper or plastic (usually PEX) piping in your home, corrosion will usually not be a major concern. However, older galvanized steel pipes are prone to serious corrosion over time, and will eventually start to leak from pitted corrosion (“pinhole leaks,” which are serious despite the name) and break. If you have steel piping in your home, it may be wise to arrange for replacement pipes with corrosion-resistant material.

You can’t fool Mother Nature, but professionals can fix her damage

Don’t allow any plumbing damage to go without repairs, even if you don’t notice a problem at first. And if anything occurs with your fixtures that might indicate damage (reduced water flow, persistent clogs, odors from the drains), call for expert plumbers right away. Our Saddleback Plumbing staff can remedy the damage Mother Nature dishes out, so give us a call at the first sign of trouble.

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Common Winter Plumbing Problems to Watch Out For

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

Plumbing in Tustin has to account for the unique conditions of our California winters, which are usually fairly mild, but can still catch you by surprise. Because we don’t suffer from snow and cold temperatures the way people do further east, many residents assume they have nothing to worry about. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, our mild winters make it all too easy to become complacent, creating problems you never could have anticipated. Here are some common winter plumbing problems to look out for.

The biggest danger in Southern California comes from plumbing that isn’t in an insulated area of the house. Pipes can become quite cold when temperatures drop at night, which can affect your water adversely. Burst pipes are rarely a problem, but you might need to concern yourself with water freezing in them, particularly on cold nights in parts of the house near external walls. You can combat this by having a plumber insulate those pipes, and/or adding insulation to those parts of the house that need it. As a precaution, you may want to leave a thin trickle of water from nearby faucets, to keep water from freezing in the pipes overnight.

A subtler problem occurs with a lack of hot water in general, which can be caused by a troublesome water heater. It doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a problem, but cold weather might force your water heater to work harder, which means slower delivery of hot water. You can counteract this by having your water heater services by a trained plumber. He’ll check for any problems, clean up any sediment, drain and flush the heater and replace the anode rod to help prevent rusting. Ideally, he may suggest that you add an insulation blanket or similar upgrade to help it function at its best.

Even though we live in a warm area, there are still common winter plumbing problems to watch out for. Plumbing in Tustin will serve you better and last longer with help from the experts at Saddleback Plumbing we can handle all manner of problems with your plumbing as well as standard maintenance issues, so don’t hesitate to give us a call today!

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I Use My Kitchen a Lot: What Can I Do to Keep My Drains Working Well?

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

If you spend a large amount of time in the kitchen, you don’t want to encounter troubles with the drains. Clogs, leaks, or bad odors in the drains can turn into nightmares if they don’t get repaired quickly. But prevention is always the best way to deal with these problems, so what steps can you take to keep your drains in good condition?

Our kitchen plumbing experts at Saddleback Plumbing have some tips for you. When you need further help with your kitchen plumbing in Ladera Ranch, CA, contact us.

  • Do not abuse your disposal! If you are in the kitchen many hours during the day, you are probably putting a large amount of food waste down the disposal, which links into your drainpipes. Although the disposal seems like a magical machine that can make anything vanish, it does have limitations you should be aware of. A good rule of thumb: if you can’t chew it, your disposal can’t either. So don’t put bones or unpopped popcorn kernels or inorganic garbage into them, because it will lead to junk clogging your drains.
  • Do not pour oil/grease/fat down the drains! And this includes the disposal. Although the liquid form of oil, grease, and fat seems innocuous enough, it is one of the most dangerous things you can pour down any sink in the house. Once the liquid form cools off, it congeals into a thick, waxy substance that will block off the drains.
  • Do have regular maintenance done! Problems can develop in your drainpipes and the rest of your kitchen plumbing out of your sight: corrosion, loose connections, pinhole leaks. With regular maintenance, you’ll find out about places where clogs have started to build up and sections of the pipe need replacement. A regular drain cleaning will keep the water flowing free through the drain pipes.

We know that having a working kitchen means a lot to you, especially if cooking is more than a necessity, but also a joy and a hobby. Following these steps will help make the kitchen the wonderful place you need it to be. Saddleback Plumbing has a MVP Preventive Plumbing Inspection program that will help keep your kitchen’s drains working well—as well as all the other parts of your kitchen’s plumbing system.

If you need any type of plumbing services in Ladera Ranch, CA, we can answer the call as well with fast and professional service.

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How to Reduce Water Usage in Your Bathrooms

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Question: Where’s the best place in your house to save water?

Answer: The bathroom!

Although you might have felt tempted to answer “the kitchen,” the bathroom is the spot in your home that has the most water fixtures and drains, and all of them see use during the day, often multiple times. Because the bathroom gets so much use, you’ve probably developed a number of water-wasting habits that you can change. There are also spots in your bathroom that will use less water after they receive attention from a professional plumber.

Saddleback Plumbing is ready to help you get the most efficient use from your Irvine, CA bathroom plumbing system. We’ve helped many people save water with our quality plumbing services since 1981, and we can help you too.

Below we’ve listed a few of the best ways to reduce your water usage in the bathroom.

Stop running water during other activities: Do you keep the faucet running while you brush your teeth? While shaving? There’s no reason to do this, but unfortunately it’s a habit many of us fall into. Make a conscious effort to shut off the bathroom faucet the moment you don’t need water, and soon that will be a habit—a positive one.

Fix leaky faucets: A small leak from a faucet may seem like a minor annoyance you can drown out by just shutting the bathroom door. However, this sort of leak can waste up to 20 gallons per day or more. Get a plumber to stop the leak.

Reduce your shower time: Showers take up less water than baths, but are still wasteful if you spend too much time under the running showerhead. Try to reduce the length of your showers by a few minutes. You can also try shutting off the water while you soap your body or lather shampoo in your hair, and only turn the water back on when you absolutely need it.

Get running toilets fixed immediately: If a toilet continues to run after it was last used, it’s more than an inconvenience—it wastes a tremendous amount of water. A running toilet will use 2 gallons of water a minute, which will add up to enormous waste in the space of only an hour. Call a plumber for repairs as soon as possible.

You’ll soon discover that saving water while in the bathroom doesn’t take much extra effort—and it will repay you on your monthly bills. Seek the advice of a professional Irvine plumber for problems with leaks and running toilets. Professional plumbers can also advise you about getting installations that will help reduce your water usage.

Contact Saddleback Plumbing today for help with your bathroom plumbing in Irvine, CA.

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Five Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Plumbing Service

Friday, September 20th, 2013

When you hire your next plumbing contractor, you must consider five major factors. Doing your research can help to ensure your family and finances stay safe. When a plumbing service arrives at your home, think of it like an interview. Be prepared to ask the questions so you can be certain they are a credible company that stands behind their professional work. The five major factors that should be asked about are licensing, liability insurance, workman’s compensation, financial stability, and customer service.

1. Is the Plumber Licensed?

Every state requires plumbers to be licensed (and rightly so!). Plumbing directly affects the health of a home’s occupants. From proper waste drain layout to gas piping to a toilet installation, each area can pose serious health risks if not installed properly. This is why most state’s require a plumbing apprentice to attend years of schooling along with years of work experience. Once their final major exam is passed, only then will they receive their state plumbing license. Be sure to check your plumber’s license status on your state’s website too, making sure they have the credentials to provide professional work which ensures your family’s health.

2. Does the Plumber Have Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance is your next factor to check on. Don’t be afraid to ask your plumber for proof of liability insurance. As an extra precaution, you can also ask to have their certificate printed with your name and information on it. This can help ensure you are covered for any future problems related to the work, if the company were to go out of business. Things go wrong with plumbing. Even the most professional company with highly trained plumbers cannot avoid mistakes 100% of the time. That is why it’s essential to do your homework, protect your finances, and get that proof of insurance!

3. Does the Plumber Have Worker’s Compensation?

Worker’s compensation is a state requirement in most of the United States, but that doesn’t mean every company has it! In fact, many small companies and “fly-by-night” plumbers do not. Plumbing work can involve sharp tools, heavy materials, hazardous waste, and flammable gas. If a plumber is injured on your property and they do not carry worker’s compensation, you will be footing the bill for their bodily harm! This is a huge factor that many homeowners pass over. Every time you don’t ask for proof, you put your family’s finances at risk.

4. Is the Plumber Responsive to Calls and Voicemails?

The next factor to look into is customer service. Does your plumber answer his phone or even return his voicemails? When it starts raining in your kitchen, can you rely on your plumber to answer and respond quickly? This is an extremely important factor to consider. Sure, an unlicensed “fly-by-night” plumber may be cheaper, but why is he cheaper? More often than not, it’s because they cut corners on customer service options such as a phone service, or any of the other above mentioned factors. This topic leads us into our final factor, financial stability.

5. Does the Plumber Look Financially Stable?

Your plumbing company’s financial stability is something most people over look. Did your plumber arrive in an old rusty truck and offer you amazingly low prices? If these prices sound too good to be true, beware! Sure, there are ways to cut the cost of plumbing down, but they all involve sacrificing quality, workmanship, and customer service. Once these qualities are cut, a business will not be around for long. When you have a plumbing issue in the future due to poor workmanship, your plumber won’t be around to honor a warranty (if they even offer one!). So be sure to hire a reputable plumbing company with sound business practices that takes pride in professional repairs and installations. You’ll know they’ll always be around to honor their warranties and help you in the future.

So there you have it, five factors to address when hiring for your next plumbing service. Choosing a plumbing company with proper licensing, customer service, financial stability, worker’s compensation and liability insurance can help to ensure a professional, responsible company is hired. Remember, that doing your research first not only protects your home, family and finances, but also helps to clear the market of unlicensed and dangerous contractors.


About the Author:

Ross Pickett is the owner of Cahill Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in Westborough, Massachusetts. His online presence has been geared toward helping homeowners protect their homes and support the professional contractors of America. Cahill Plumbing & Heating has been providing Massachusetts with top quality plumbing services for over 40 years. He can be reached by email at or through his website,

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Why Do None of My Bathroom Drains Work?

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

In Laguna Hills, bathroom plumbing typically has very straightforward problems. Our warm weather and gentle climate tend to keep serious issues like freezing and corrosion to a minimum. If one of your bathroom drains doesn’t work, there’s probably a very straightforward explanation for it. But if multiple drains are affected, it could spell a larger problem. Why do none of your bathroom drains work? A few possible answers lie below.

Some Reasons Why Your Bathroom Plumbing’s Drains Could Not Be Working

In the first place, it’s likely that the problem lies beyond the bathroom itself, in whatever common point it uses to get rid of water. That usually means the main water line coming in from the home’s foundation, or the water heater, which the water passes through on its way to your bathroom. If the main line is clogged or the heater is suffering from problems, it could affect every drain in the house. Check the drains in your kitchen sink or elsewhere to see if they don’t drain properly either.

The problem may also be more subtle. For instance, most plumbing depends on pitch – the angle required for water to flow properly. If your pipes haven’t been installed the way they should and/or you live in a geographical area that doesn’t allow for proper pitch, you may find every drain in the bathroom backing up despite the fact that there’s nothing clogging them. A trained plumber can adjust your pipes in order to correct the issue. And in some cases, it may involve several things happening at once, such as a vent pipe suffering damage and/or the vents in all your outlets malfunctioning.

Regardless of the causes, however, it takes a trained professional to offer a solution. A local, certified plumber will understand the environmental conditions that leads to drain failure in Laguna Hills. Bathroom plumbing repair can then take place with a full knowledge of the variables involved. Saddleback Plumbing handles plumbing issues of all sorts in South Orange County. Our trained Laguna Hills bathroom plumbing experts are ready to assist and we devote ourselves to your complete satisfaction in every aspect of repairs. If none of your bathroom drains work, contact us to set up an appointment today.

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Water Treatment Systems Are Essential Because …

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Water treatment systems remove minerals, chemicals and other impurities from the water in your home. This affects not only your drinking and cooking water, but the water you use to bathe and clean your clothes with. Lake Forest enjoys good quality drinking water thanks to the Upper Oso Reservoir and similar sites, but our proximity to the ocean and position in one of the largest urban areas in the country make clean water an ongoing concern. A good water treatment system is essential to maintain a healthy and happy home.

Benefits of Using a Water Treatment System

The most obvious benefit to a water treatment system is cleaner drinking water, free of chemicals and pollutants. You can see the difference such a system makes simply by making two sets of ice cubes: one with treated water and one with untreated water. You’ll likely notice how much cloudier and grayer the untreated water is, and how clear and clean the treated water is. This applies to anything you’d normally use tap water for, from boiling pasta to rinsing off fresh fruit and vegetables.

A water treatment system also improves upon your overall health and comfort levels. Bathing with untreated water may leave your skin dry and irritated, while clothes washed in untreated water may feel rougher than they would otherwise. Purified water treats your skin and clothes with more gentleness, leaving softer laundry loads and better overall health.

The same principle applies to plumbing components in your home. Scale and mineral deposits can build up in your water heater and pipe system over time. But with a water treatment system, the minerals causing those deposits are removed from your water supply. That prevents potential damage to your system and extends the life of your plumbing to boot.

If you’re considering a water treatment system, you should contact an expert who can explain the options. Saddleback Plumbing handles the installation and repair of water treatment systems in Lake Forest and throughout southern Orange County. We’ll examine your home and discuss you choices with you, then install the system with utmost concern for your complete satisfaction.

Call us today to set up an appointment.

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3 Water Saving Plumbing Upgrades

Friday, August 30th, 2013

Water prices seem to be going up every year and when you live in Southern California you know how precious our water supply is. Every homeowner is looking for ways to conserve water and we here at Saddleback Plumbing wanted to offer 3 plumbing upgrades that could help you do that. Give us a call today if you have any questions or if you’d like to learn more about our plumbing services in Tustin.

Plumbing Upgrades in Tustin to Save Water

Check out some of our water save plumbing upgrades that could help you reduce the amount of water that you use in your home.

  • Low-flow toilets – Many of us remember when the low-flow mandate went into effect in the 90’s. Manufacturers adjusted their toilets flush capacity but made no design changes which led to poor flush performance. However, new low-flow models of toilets have been redesigned to perform well even while using less water which could help you greatly reduce the amount of water that you use in your home.
  • Low flow fixtures – According to the EPA, your showerheads account for up to 20% of the total water usage in your home. Typical showerheads distribute 4.5 gallons/minute. If you were to replace that with a low-flow, 2.5 gallon/minute model you might be able to save around 20,000 gallons of water each year.
  • Faucet aerators – Another good way to reduce the amount of water that you use is with a faucet aerator. These devices break up the flow of water with air so that water still comes out but it is mixed with air. The EPA estimates that aerators could reduce the amount of water used at your faucets by up to 60%.
  • Change your habits – Finally, another way to reduce the amount of water that you use at your home is to make small changes to your behavior. For example, instead of watering your yard during the middle of the day, do it in the evening, morning or on cool days so that it reduces the amount of water that gets evaporated by the hot sun. You can also make sure to only run your dishwasher or laundry when they are completely full in order to maximize the water usage.

If you need any services for your plumbing in Tustin just give us a call here at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc.

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