Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Why Black Sediment in Your Water Is Bad News

Monday, December 12th, 2022

If you’ve noticed black specks in your water and wondered what’s causing them, you’re not alone. In fact, one of the most common questions we get is from homeowners wanting to know if black sediment in their water is bad, and what can be done about it. 

The good news is these flecks aren’t a sign of major plumbing issues—most of the time. Here are some common causes of this problem, but to really find out what’s going on, you may need a professional plumber. You can trust our plumbers to diagnose what’s going on with your water system and provide solutions to fix it.

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How Slab Leaks Get Started—And How to Find Them

Monday, October 17th, 2022

If there are two words that have the most potential to strike fear in the hearts of California homeowners, it’s “slab leak.” Perhaps you know someone who’s had to deal with what can be an emotionally and financially draining home repair. 

Although slab leaks aren’t always preventable, as a proactive homeowner, knowing how slab leaks start—and how to find them—can help you catch them early. Read on to find out more about how slab leaks occur and, most importantly, how to detect them.

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Do I Really Need to Have a Sump Pump?

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

If you know how sump pumps work, then you may have wondered if one would serve any useful purpose for your home. Sump pumps are usually installed in the basement of a house where they help to remove water in case of flooding. But you live in Southern California where 1) you don’t have a basement, and 2) major flooding is rarely an issue. 

So, do you need to install a sump pump?

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Why Am I Seeing Black Specks in My Home’s Water?

Monday, September 19th, 2022

You turn on the faucet in your bathroom sink one morning and notice that there are black specks in the water collecting in the bowl. Or maybe you’ve seen these black specks inside a glass of water you just poured. Wherever you see these points of black, you know they shouldn’t be there. What’s happening, and what can you do about it?

This is a common problem, and there are several possible reasons for it. Our plumbers can help you diagnose what’s causing this and find the solution you need.

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The Trouble With Pinhole Leaks in Your Plumbing

Monday, September 5th, 2022

Leaks of any type in your household plumbing are trouble. However, people often think of plumbing leaks as a large amount of water gushing from a burst pipe, or at least leaking out a steady amount. Honestly, if you have those leaks, you’re almost lucky. You at least know you’ve got a serious problem that requires immediate attention from a professional plumbing service in Mission Viejo, CA.

It’s sneaky leaks that can really get you. The leaks that can drip away, hidden from sight, for weeks and months at a time. Among these types of hidden leaks, one we encounter quite often in local homes is the pinhole leak. The name gives you an idea of just how difficult this kind of leak is to notice. Make no mistake, however: pinhole leaks can do plenty of damage and cause serious problems.

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How We Can Help Improve Your Kitchen Plumbing

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

The kitchen doesn’t have the largest concentration of plumbing of any room in the house (that’s the bathroom), but it does have a variety of fixtures, appliances, and a complex network of freshwater pipes and drains. Handling repairs, replacements, new installations, and maintenance for kitchen plumbing is a large part of our job. Today, we want to tell you some of the ways that we can make your kitchen plumbing better.

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What’s Clogging Your Drains?

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Drain clogs are a household problem that knows no season. You can expect a clogged or slow drain to materialize at any time of the year. It’s part of life with a household plumbing system.

One of the reasons clogs are common is that they have multiple sources. Many different materials or objects can collect inside a drain and stop the flow of water. Below we’ll look at the ones you’re most likely to encounter.

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What Causes Water Leaks in Your House

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Water leaks are an insidious problem in homes throughout the country. Many residential plumbing systems have leaking pipes that stay hidden for weeks, months, even years, slowly causing building damage and wasting immense amounts of water. We recommend our customers schedule occasional leak detection for their homes to find out if they have hidden leaks. Once we’ve located the problem, we can easily use plumbing repairs in Orange County to solve the problem. 

But how do these leaks start in the first place? There is no single cause of hidden pipe leaks, which is why almost any home can run into this problem. We’ve listed several of the most common causes of a leaky home plumbing system. This knowledge can help you know what to watch out for and problems you can avoid.

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Why We Don’t Recommend Using Store-Bought Drain Cleaners

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Nobody likes a clogged drain, and most homeowners want to solve these problems as soon as possible. There are ways to clean your drains, but one of the most popular (and harmful) methods is using a store-bought drain cleaner. We’ll tell you why we don’t recommend using these cleaners and suggest some safer alternatives in this post.

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A Late Holiday Gift to Yourself: Drain Cleaning!

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Getting your drains cleaned is probably not on your holiday wish list, but making a New Year’s resolution to get routine drain cleaning is a great way to say, “out with the old!”

Drain cleaning isn’t only for clogged drains—it’s an essential preventive measure to keep them from clogging in the first place. And if you’ve had holiday parties and family visiting from out of town, your plumbing had to work harder over the holidays and may have more accumulation of food and paper products than usual. That accumulation can cause slow drains that lead to clogs, odors, backups, or costly repairs.

You may be tempted to tackle slow sinks and clogs yourself by pouring chemical drain openers down the drain, but here are the cold hard facts: they rarely work. They leave most of the clog behind and can damage your pipes. And they’re extremely toxic. You can do better!

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