How a Video Pipe Inspection Can Help Your Home Plumbing

January 25th, 2021

The tools used for plumbing work have changed dramatically over the last few decades. One of the big leaps forward came about because of miniaturization, digital, and fiber-optic technology. Where once it was impossible to see inside the pipes of a house, tools such as video pipe inspection equipment allowed for technicians to get a close-up view of water mains, sewer lines, and other pipes.

Video pipe inspection can help with many jobs in residential plumbing. We’ll explain why this piece of equipment can make a difference in the service we offer for your home.

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This Vital Part Keeps Your Water Heater Running for Years

January 11th, 2021

How long have you had your water heater? If it’s more than 10 years, you might wonder how it managed to get so far. After all, it’s a water-using device made of metal. Shouldn’t it have corroded or rusted-out at this point?

Honestly, you probably don’t give your water heater this much thought. As long as it keeps hot water flowing for the showers and your family isn’t complaining, it’s doing its job. If it runs into trouble, you can call our expert technicians to investigate and see what it needs.

But in this post, we want to talk about the part of your water heater responsible for it lasting as long as it has. All parts of a water heater are important for it to operate, but this component does something special: it stops the water heater from corroding. A bit of knowledge about this part will help you know how to best care for your home’s water heater.

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The Clicking Furnace: Here’s What Might Be Wrong

December 28th, 2020
3D illustration of furnace

When you first turn on your gas furnace, you can expect to hear some clicking noises. This is the ignition system coming on to ignite the burners. But since you’re reading this, you’re hearing clicking noises at other times as well. Times when you didn’t normally hear clicking, and you’re concerned that you may need to schedule furnace repair in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA.

You’ve got the right idea. In general, out of the ordinary sounds from a furnace are warning of a malfunction of some kind that could enlarge into a full system failure or even a safety hazard. Clicking is one of the more common warning sounds, and it may also occur when the furnace is experiencing other troubles, such as the furnace not coming on at all. Below are some of the common reasons for the clicking furnace.

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I Have Hot Water in My Home—But Not in the Shower!

December 15th, 2020

Waking up to a cold shower in the morning: that’s one of the day-to-day nightmares we’re all afraid of. And even during a mild Southern California winter, the idea of having to get through the morning after you face a surprise cold shower, or even a lukewarm one, is a pretty unpleasant one.

Usually, when people think of their shower losing its hot water, they connect it with a loss of hot water to the entire house. If you have a shower that isn’t warming up or won’t warm up at all, you’ll probably first make the assumption that something has gone wrong with the household water heater. Often, this is the problem and you’ll need to call technicians to fix it. 

But what if only one shower has lost hot water? If you find that you’re still getting enough hot water at other taps, what has happened to the shower?

There are several possibilities, and you’ll probably need to call for professional plumbing in Irvine, CA, not to fix the water heater but to fix the shower’s plumbing.

The Broken/Worn Down Mixing Valve

What’s most likely happening is a problem with the shower’s mixing valve. The mixing valve is a control valve that creates the balance in the flow of water from the hot water line and the cold water line and blends the two together for your desired shower temperature. This valve can wear down over time or even break, and no fiddling around with the shower handles will be able to provide the right hot-cold mix.

You can’t see the mixing valve because it’s set behind the shower wall among the pipes, and we don’t recommend you try to access it by dismantling the faucet handle or anything else that requires you to take out wrenches and other tools. This repair requires professionals, who may need to replace the entire mixing valve. 

Failed Anti-Scald Device

You may have a device inside installed into your showerhead designed to prevent a surge of extremely hot water from creating a scalding hazard. This anti-scald device, also called a “hot limit stop” or “rotational limit stop,” is found in many modern faucets, and if it is set too high or it breaks, it may prevent almost any hot water from coming through the showerhead. The showerhead will need to be dismantled to fix or reset it. We recommend calling a plumbing technician to do this, since making an error with this device can create a scalding hazard, and not all showerheads come with this device.

There are a few other, less common possibilities, such as a broken cartridge in a point-of-use filtration system or cross-connected pipes. It’s best not to guess at what could be wrong, however. If you want your hot shower back as fast as possible, the quickest route is to call us and schedule plumbing service. Going DIY with your plumbing in general, and any plumbing connected to your hot water supply specifically, is a bad idea!

Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air has served Orange County since 1981. Schedule plumbing service with our technicians today.

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How Do I Know I Have Hidden Leaks When They’re Hidden?

November 30th, 2020

This is a good question, and it’s one people often ask when confronted with the idea of “hidden leaks.” The truth is that most leaks in a home’s plumbing are not in easy sight, since much of the plumbing is disguised in the walls or in the ceilings. Only a few pipes are easy to see, such as the drainpipe directly underneath a sink (and even then leaks can go unnoticed if there’s too much stored there). 

Finding and repairing hidden leaks is a job for professional plumbing in Laguna Niguel, CA. Our technicians can locate hidden leaks, even those buried down in a concrete foundation, using the best available technology. But in this post, we’re going to help you notice when you have hidden leaks. They do leave a number of indicators they’re around.

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Your Heater Is On, But Not All the Rooms Are Warm—Why?

November 17th, 2020

This may be the first week you’ve had your home’s heating system on since… well, maybe since February. But Southern California hit a cold-spell this weekend, and there will be more ahead. Many heating systems clicked on during this time after long periods of hibernation.

Did your heater work up to your expectations when you fired it up? If it came on and started working, great. But if you noticed some rooms weren’t getting as warm as they should be, you may have problems. This uneven heating is a common trouble and one that may require you call us for heating repair in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Below, we’ll examine some of the possible causes of uneven heating in a house.

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Electric Furnace Won’t Work? Let’s See What’s Going On

November 2nd, 2020

We’re getting the first cool weather of the season here in Orange County, which brings some relief from a long, often extremely hot summer. Now is when you’ll turn on your electric furnace for the first time in… well, we wouldn’t even want to guess how long. 

Because your electric furnace has sat unused for a long time, you might feel nervous when you have to turn it on. Maybe it won’t work? And if it does work, how long will it continue to heat the house?

Okay, as the post title makes clear, we’re here to talk to you because your electric furnace isn’t working. You may need our technicians for furnace repair in San Juan Capistrano, CA. But first, let’s take a look at why an electric furnace might be giving you trouble. It’s possible there’s a simple issue you’ve overlooked.

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How to Tell You Have a Water Heater From the Undead!

October 19th, 2020

Here’s a spooky story to tell for October, so gather ‘round the digital HD fire and listen to what could happen to you if you ignore a water heater that’s one of the… undead! 

An undead water heater is one that should have been sent to its resting place in the scrapheap years ago, except it still seems to be working. But it’s actually the water heating walking dead, and unless you replace it with a new water heater, you may find yourself in the hideous, terrible, gruesome situation of a cold shower one morning and a few annoying days afterward rushing to get a new water heater.

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When It’s October, It’s Time for Annual Heating Maintenance

October 6th, 2020

It still feels like summer here in Southern California, and we know that plenty of people are hoping for cool weather—and especially a few days of rain. But the cooler weather is on its way, and we want to make sure our customers are ready for it with working heating systems.

Yes, it’s once again time for you to schedule your heating maintenance in Orange County, CA. Why not get it done early in the month so you can worry about the busier time of year that’s just up around the corner? All you have to do is call Saddleback and sign up for our HVAC Value Plan or our ALL STAR Value Plan, which includes plumbing maintenance as well. We can get on the schedule right away to have your heating system inspected and tuned-up, and you’ll be ready for the cooler weather.

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Your HVAC Filter Is NOT a Way to Purify Your Air

September 21st, 2020

People are more concerned about indoor air quality than ever before. During the fire season, we often bring up the topic of making sure to change the air filter in your HVAC system regularly, since it can trap ash and other harmful pollutants that get into the air because of drifting smoke.

But we also want to make something clear about cleaning and purifying your air: the HVAC air filter, the same one we want you to change regularly so not to damage air quality, is not actually an indoor air quality system. It isn’t an air purifier, it isn’t an air scrubber, it isn’t designed to improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe. If you are looking for better indoor air quality, talk to us to install a dedicated air purification system and/or install an air purifier in Mission Viejo, CA.

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