Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Laguna Hills’

Why Choosing an Over-sized Heater Can Be Detrimental to Your Comfort

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

When it comes to getting a heating installation in Laguna Hills, CA, residents have plenty of factors to consider. There’s the type of heating systems, the bells and whistles involved, and the AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating, which covers how efficiently the unit heats your home. Beyond all that, however, you need to size your heater right, and especially beware of buying an oversized heater for you home. “But why?” you ask. “Isn’t bigger better?” In this case, it isn’t.

Here’s why choosing an over-sized heater can be detrimental to your comfort.

Heaters spend the most amount of energy when they start up and shut down, which means you want them to stay running for at least fifteen minutes or so every time they start up. An oversized heater, however, will warm the air too quickly, only to see it cycle on and off and the temperature quickly falls again and again. That makes it a huge energy suck, costing you a great deal in monthly energy bills while increasing the strain on your unit in the bargain. Eventually, that will lead to increased repair costs and even shorten the life of your heater.

On a more direct level, all of that cycling on and off will dry out the air in your home, leading to lower relative humidity levels. This can lead to irritation in your nose and throat as well as dry skin, chapped lips, and even bloody noses in the worst scenarios. Homes in Laguna Hills are particularly vulnerable, since our seaside air is salty (and therefore rather day) to begin with.

If you have questions surrounding heating installation, Laguna Hills CA residents can count on Saddleback Plumbing for help. We can explain why choosing an oversized heater can be detrimental to your comfort, then perform precise measurements to ensure that your heater is neither too large nor too small but just right. Our trained staff has years of experience, and we’re dedicated to your absolute satisfaction in all things. Pick up the phone and give us a call to set up an appointment today!

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Steer Clear of These Common Heating Repairs with Regular Maintenance

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

If you haven’t already enrolled in a professional heating maintenance plan, then do not hesitate to do so. The late summer and fall months are the best times to have your heater inspected, cleaned and adjusted so that you can be confident in its performance and efficiency throughout the winter. While residents enjoy excellent temperature in the Orange County, a cold wave can quickly make your home uncomfortable if you are unprepared. To put it simply, heaters break down more often when they are not maintained, although some problems are simply inevitable. Let the expert Laguna Hills heating repair technicians at Saddleback Plumbing take care of your heater so that it works well all heating season long.

  • Damaged motor bearings. Your blower motor is one of the most important components of your heater if you own a forced-air distribution system. It pulls your indoor air through the various ductwork and sends it through the heat exchanger or coils to be heated. It is then returned to your home. Debris can present a challenge to mechanical components like your motor bearings, however. When dust and dirt get inside the internal components of your HVAC system, it can lead to serious damage in the long-term.
  • Clogged air filter. If you have a heater, then you need to ensure that its air filter is kept clean at all times. There is simply no other way for your heater to perform effectively and efficiently. A clogged air filter can lead to various problems throughout the rest of the heating system. It can increase your energy bills and contribute to overall system general wear and tear.
  • Dirty coils. If you own a heat pump, then you need to keep your coils clean. That includes both the condenser and evaporator coils. Both are responsible for absorbing and dissipating heat so that the entire system functions efficiently. But over time, your coils can accumulate a serious amount of debris, and this can effect your ability to stay comfortable during the winter.

With routine maintenance, you can prevent many unnecessary repairs. But sometimes, such problems cannot be prevented. In that case, you need the expertise and quality workmanship of the team at Saddleback Plumbing. We can take care of your Laguna Hills heating service needs.

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What Kind of Heating System Should I Buy in Laguna Hills?

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Here in Laguna Hills, the Fall and Winter nights definitely call for a heating system. We usually need a heater to help cozy up a few cold nights; not necessarily needing the type of system that would act like a final stopgap against constant snow and sleet. That plays a role in the kind of heating system you buy, as well as the ways you can use it to keep your family warm. “What kind of heating system should I buy in Laguna Hills?” you ask. The answer, as always, depends on the individual needs of your household.

A few of the more popular choices are listed below:

  • Central heating system. This is the most popular form of heating in many parts of the country. A system of ductworks carries warm air from a central heater to every corner of your house. These are quite common and easy for technicians to maintain, though they aren’t always as efficient as other units.
  • Heat pumps. Heat pumps combine the features of heaters and air conditioners into a single unit: pulling heat out of your house in the summer and drawing it in from the outside air in the winter. Heat pumps cost more to install, but they tend to be much more efficient than central heaters – saving you money on monthly bills. They’re also very effective in places with mild climates like Orange County.
  • Hydronic systems. Hydronic heating systems work to establish radiant heat: running hot water through tubes in your floor or baseboard that then radiates heat into the home. Like heat pumps, this system is much more efficient than central heaters, but can cost more to set up.

For these kinds of systems, the question becomes whether you’d rather pay more up front for lower energy bills over time, or stick with a more traditional system that costs a less to install. Regardless of what system is right for your home, you can contact the experts at Saddleback Plumbing for help. We can answer the question “What kind of heating system should I buy in Laguna Hills?” then help install the best one for your circumstances. Laguna Hills heating services are a specialty of ours, so don’t hesitate to set up a consultation today!

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Why Do None of My Bathroom Drains Work?

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

In Laguna Hills, bathroom plumbing typically has very straightforward problems. Our warm weather and gentle climate tend to keep serious issues like freezing and corrosion to a minimum. If one of your bathroom drains doesn’t work, there’s probably a very straightforward explanation for it. But if multiple drains are affected, it could spell a larger problem. Why do none of your bathroom drains work? A few possible answers lie below.

Some Reasons Why Your Bathroom Plumbing’s Drains Could Not Be Working

In the first place, it’s likely that the problem lies beyond the bathroom itself, in whatever common point it uses to get rid of water. That usually means the main water line coming in from the home’s foundation, or the water heater, which the water passes through on its way to your bathroom. If the main line is clogged or the heater is suffering from problems, it could affect every drain in the house. Check the drains in your kitchen sink or elsewhere to see if they don’t drain properly either.

The problem may also be more subtle. For instance, most plumbing depends on pitch – the angle required for water to flow properly. If your pipes haven’t been installed the way they should and/or you live in a geographical area that doesn’t allow for proper pitch, you may find every drain in the bathroom backing up despite the fact that there’s nothing clogging them. A trained plumber can adjust your pipes in order to correct the issue. And in some cases, it may involve several things happening at once, such as a vent pipe suffering damage and/or the vents in all your outlets malfunctioning.

Regardless of the causes, however, it takes a trained professional to offer a solution. A local, certified plumber will understand the environmental conditions that leads to drain failure in Laguna Hills. Bathroom plumbing repair can then take place with a full knowledge of the variables involved. Saddleback Plumbing handles plumbing issues of all sorts in South Orange County. Our trained Laguna Hills bathroom plumbing experts are ready to assist and we devote ourselves to your complete satisfaction in every aspect of repairs. If none of your bathroom drains work, contact us to set up an appointment today.

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How a New Water Heater Can Improve Your Home

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

It’s no secret that your water heater is one of the most used appliances in your home. From showering and laundry to many other tasks, your water heater gets a ton of use every single day. Here at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc. we have many years of experience offering Laguna Hills water heater installation services and we often see homeowners that wait until the very last second to replace their water heater. However, there are huge potential benefits to replacing your air conditioning system. Read on below and then give us a call if you have any questions.

Benefits of Laguna Hills Water Heater Installation

Keep these benefits in mind when you start to think about getting Laguna Hills water heater installation services.

  • More efficiency – Even if your water heater is only a few years old, the new models of water heaters have achieved incredible efficiency standards. Your water heater likely comprises a large portion of your monthly energy usage. By upgrading to a new high-efficiency system you could greatly improve the efficiency of your home.
  • More hot water – If you aren’t getting enough hot water in your home then upgrading to a new system could solve that issue. No one wants to run out of hot water half-way through their shower. Consider upgrading your water heater so that you can increase the comfort of your home.
  • Fewer repairs – If you’re hanging onto your old water heater even though it keeps breaking down, you may be able to avoid those repairs by replacing your system. New water heaters tend to operate very consistently and replacing yours could reduce the calls that you have to make for repair.

Give us a call here at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc. if you need any Laguna Hills water heater installation services. We will make sure that your new water heater matches your home’s need for hot water and that it fits in your budget.

Call us today to talk with one of our experts about any services that you need.

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Here Are Your Laguna Hills Air Conditioning Installation Options

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Choosing a new air conditioning system for installation in your home is rarely as simple as it sounds. Not only must you find a good contractor to handle the job, but you must also familiarize yourself with the many air conditioning installation options available on the market today. Why not kill two birds with one stone and contact the Laguna Hills air conditioning installation professionals at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc.? We have a great selection of air conditioning systems for you to choose from, and we have the years of training and experience necessary to ensure that you get the best performance possible from that system. Call now to discuss your air conditioning installation options.

Split central air conditioners are still the most common residential air conditioning option. They feature an outdoor condensing unit, which houses the noisiest parts of the system so that you do not have to listen to them inside. The indoor components of the system utilize a ducted forced air distribution system in order to circulate cooled air throughout your home. This allows for very even, comfortable cooling, provided that the air conditioning installation is completed by a qualified professional.

Another great option is a heat pump. Heat pumps also use air ducts in order to distribute air throughout your home. Unlike traditional air conditioning systems, though, they do not depend upon the consumption of fuel in order to cool the air distributed. Instead, they utilize the heat transfer process to move heat from one area to another. This allows your heat pump to cool down your home with greater efficiency than ever before.

If your home cannot accommodate bulky air ducts, don’t worry. We also offer great ductless mini split systems for installation throughout the area. No air ducts are required with this type of air conditioning system, as the outdoor components are connected to the indoor ones by a simple conduit containing refrigerant and power lines. The wall mounted blowers used cool rooms directly, so there is no opportunity for energy loss.

When you are ready to schedule an air conditioning installation in Laguna Hills, contact the professional technicians at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc. We can answer whatever questions you may have to ensure that you get the best AC for your unique needs. Call now to learn more.


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Water Heater Repair vs. Replacement in Laguna Hills

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

How does your water heater sound these days? Do you find that your showers go cold? Out of the major plumbed appliances within your home, the water heater plays a major role in keeping your home comfortable and convenient. But considering how much wear and tear it endures on a daily basis, it’s hardly surprising that it needs regular professional service. The professional installation of a water heater allows you to take full advantage of its capabilities, but it must be routinely maintained to achieve consistent performance. That said, there may come a time when repairs are inevitable and you may need to make a decision between repair and replacement. In today’s post, we’d like to look at this issue in greater detail.

Give us a call today for all of your Laguna Hills water heater repair service needs.

Do You Need A Water Heater Repair or Replacement?

  • Repair. There are numerous things that can go wrong with your water heater. If you hear a rumbling or boiling sound, that could indicate a buildup of scale or sediment. This often involves a fairly straightforward flush. Alternatively, you may find that your water heater is unresponsive to your calls for hot water. This could be related to a thermostat problem, which is also something that can be repaired.
  • Replace. There are two major reasons to replace your water heater. The first is not necessarily the type of repair, but the frequency of repairs. There may come a point when the quantity of repairs becomes too much. It may make more financial sense in the long-term to replace your water heater rather than continue repairs. The second reason is old age. Your water heater will not last forever, and rather than waiting for it to break down at an inopportune moment, it may make more sense to take control of your hot water supply with a new water heater. Today’s water heaters are much more energy efficient than their predecessors, and you may be able to save substantial amounts of energy with a new appliance.

The line between water heater repair and replacement is fine.

Before determining what course of action is right for your home, call a Laguna Hills water heater repair technician at Saddleback Plumbing, Inc.

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Air Conditioning Tip 7: How to Improve Indoor Air Quality This Spring

Monday, April 8th, 2013

While many Laguna Hills homeowners are concerned with energy efficiency as summer approaches, we should also consider indoor air quality. Much of our comfort (or discomfort) during the summer months stems from poor indoor air quality as we seal our homes tightly against the incoming rays of heat. Fortunately, there are many options available that can dramatically improve your air quality, such as air filtration, UV germicidal lights, and humidifiers. Beyond installing these systems, there are other steps to take. In this post, we’d like to review some things you can do to ensure your home is cool and comfortable this cooling season. For Laguna Hills air conditioning, call Saddleback today!

  • Clean and replace your air filter. As you fire up your AC this season, remember to change out your air filter on a regular basis. This simple step prevents a lot of problems, including blocked airflow and poor air quality. Your air filter is designed to prevent the passage of noxious particles throughout your ductwork and into your indoor air. It should be replaced once a month during peak cooling times.
  • Install UV germicidal lights. If your indoor air is musty and uncomfortable, then you may be at risk for mold infestation. Consider installing UV germicidal lights directly in your air handler or ductwork in order to destroy any microbiological growth before it enters your indoor air. While we may notice mold when it’s growing in our bathroom, it’s much harder to notice when it’s growing deep within our ductwork or in the walls.
  • Enroll in a maintenance program. Become a Saddleback MVP by joining the Membership Value Program. Enrolling in a routine maintenance program will improve your energy efficiency, extend the life of your equipment, and reduce the need for major costly repairs. It also provides you with various benefits such as warranties, discounts, and preferred priority service. Professional inspection, cleaning, and tuning-up makes your system shine even during the hottest days of the year.

For more information about how you can improve you indoor air quality, or to schedule Laguna Hills, CA air conditioning service, call Saddleback Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today!

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Plumbing Repair Tip 14: When Should I Call a Plumber?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

When you need the services of a professional Laguna Hills plumbing repair technician, call the professional plumbers on the Saddleback Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning team. A fully certified, extensively trained plumber from our staff will be able to handle any plumbing repair that you may need. Of course, before this can happen you actually need to contact us to schedule plumbing repair service. A lot of homeowners make the mistake of putting off plumbing repair services too long because they think that a problem is too minor. Even the smallest problems can cause big headaches if given the chance, though. Here are some tips about when to schedule plumbing repair in Laguna Hills, CA.

If your toilet frequently backs up, takes a long time to drain or flushes weakly then you should call a professional Laguna Hills plumber right away. A clog or backup in your sewer line, even if it is minor, can cause a lot of disruption in your home. For obvious reasons, a backed up or broken sewer line is not something that you will want to deal with. Let a professional plumber inspect and clear out your sewer line if it is not draining properly.

Another sure indicator that you need to call a plumber right away is the presence of water anywhere in or around your home where it should not be. You may think a slow or small leak is not a big deal, but this could not be further from the truth. Even the smallest leaks lead to wasteful use of water, and this in turn leads to increased water costs. Not only that, but a leak in one spot of your plumbing may suggest other leaks that have not been discovered yet. You should have your plumbing inspected immediately.

As a general rule, if you are toying with the idea of calling a professional plumber, chances are you should. It is easy to talk yourself out of doing so, of course, but you just may find yourself wishing that you hadn’t before too much time passes. Call Saddleback Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning the moment you suspect you may be in need of Laguna Hills plumbing repair service.

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Air Conditioning FAQ 4: How Does Zone Control Work?

Monday, March 18th, 2013

It doesn’t make much sense to cool your entire home when many spaces of your home go unused. After all, we depend upon our air conditioning to cool us, not the inanimate objects in the room. Zone control systems is a great way to make sure that you’re cooling only the areas you need to. In this post we’d like to run you through the basics of how zone control works, so that you can get a sense of whether it would be right for your home. Like any cooling or heating system, zone control should be installed by a trained professional to make sure that it works efficiently and effectively. For Laguna Hills air conditioning services, call Saddleback Plumbing today!

The first stage in zone control installation is dividing your home into zones. You may divide according to floor, type of room, or whichever way works best for you. A sample division would probably divide the interior living space into bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and basement. Each zone will be given its own thermostat, so that you can optimize the cooling level of each one. This gives you a lot of flexibility. You can further customize your zone control with programmable thermostats.

The way it works is as follows. We begin by renovating your ductwork according to your zone divisions. This typically involves installing air dampers at crucial junctions in your ductwork that will electronically allow and block air according to the new layout. It also involves setting up your existing air handler to accommodate multiple thermostats in your home. The workmanship of professional installation is key here, because zone control depends a lot on the quality of the installation for it to work effectively.

Zone controlled air conditioning can maximize your energy efficiency and home comfort. By allowing you to customize the individual zone temperatures, you are in control of your energy costs, which is important, considering the duration of our cooling season. Make sure your zone control is installed by a professional. For superior air conditioning in Laguna Hills, CA, call Saddleback Plumbing today!

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